Welcome - An Introduction

Things have changed a lot just in my lifetime. I was born in the early nineties when it was still very unusual to have a family computer – I think I was one of the first people to have a personal website. I was certainly one of the youngest! I've been internetting since I was very small; the first incarnation of this website included a story dictated by my three-year-old self to my computer-geek father. We didn't have a television in our house, but we did have the internet.

These days, the toddler-authored stories have gone and instead you can find out about my portfolio of employment, my interests and a bit about what I'm up to at the moment. You can also get in touch with me if you want, using the handy Email Me button on every page.

You won't find me on Facebook, as I abandoned that particular time-suck several years ago! I dip in and out of various online forums and social networks; at the moment I like Twitter as a way to keep up with the latest news from various different interests. I'm an avid follower of the excellent Breaking Cat News, quite the best news outlet available online.